Registration Information


General Info:

NMS will be accepting registrations for the Upcoming Football & Cheer season in mid-February and will continue to accept registrations through the beginning of the season (early August) or until teams become filled.  Returners will receive priority registration for 1 week after registration opens.   Afterwards, Registrations will be on a first-come, first-serve basis and we are expecting several of our football and cheer teams to reach capacity this upcoming season. Therefore, please register early to make sure that you save your child(ren) a spot! 

Registration Fees:

Football registration fee is $350. Cheer registration fee is $300.00.   These fees are NON-Refundable!! 

Football registration includes use of game day Jersey and pants. You also have use of a helmet and shoulder pads all of which should be returned at the end of the season.

Cheer Registration includes use of a sideline cheer uniform as well as a competition top, all to be returned at the end of the season.

Payment plans are available during registration.



NMS offers a $25 sibling discount for each child after the first registrant.


Registration Process - Step 1 (Online Registration):

To register your child online, simply click on the link below (or at the top of this page) and follow the directions on the website. If you have not registered your child previously, you will need to set up an account. Once you have registered online, you will begin to receive emails from the NMS Board of Directors and/or your child's head coach containing additional information and important dates that you will need to know.

Click Here to Register

Registration Process - Step 2 (Forms & Paperwork):

The following required paperwork must be turned in to NMS for your registration to be considered complete.  NMS will be announcing dates for paperwork turn in opportunities. 

All paperwork must be turned in by August 1st, 2023.    If you are missing paperwork, your child will not be able to practice until it is all turned in.  

● Original Certified Birth Certificate* (Not needed for prior year returners)   

        *We will copy the birth certificate and return the original to you.

Current Year Player/Participant Contract

Current Year Medical/Physical Form

Current School Year Report Card (All 4 Qtrs.)

Current Year Code of conduct

Volunteer check - in the amount of $300 dollars, this will be held and returned when your 10 hours is fulfilled or 15 hours per family.  If your hours are not fulfilled, the check will be cashed

Equipment checks - in the amount of $250 dollars for football and $150 cheer, this will be held and returned when your equipment is returned.  If the equipment is not returned, your check will be cashed.  

Volunteer hours: 

Each family is required to volunteer 10 hours a season, 15 hours for more than 1 child, to help the organization run smoothly.  Volunteer opportunities will be announced on social media, and team parents.   Sign-ups will be made available through sign up genius.      

Each family is required to provide a check of $300, upon registration.   This check will be returned to you after the volunteer hours are completed or will be cashed at the end of the season if your volunteer hours are not completed.   

If you have any questions, please reach out to our Volunteer Coordinator